jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Essay writing task

1.     Fatelessness has a message and it is something that Imre Ketesz never thought or considered when he was writing his novel. Write between 150 and 200 words.

Imre Kertesz never thought that his novel would have a hidden message that would make his novel even more attractive for the readers and make us get in his place. The message that he never thought that would be really connected to his novel is how the power of a person with corrupted values (the Fürer, Adolf Hitler) would be able to destroy a complete society, and his followers in the future would want those events to happen again. This way, unconsiously the author say that what happened to him and the members of his religion , or even if it happens to another must never ever happen again.

2.     It is hard/easy to understand the points of view expressed in Fatelessness. It is likely to be a cultural problem/advantage mainly. Write between 150 and 200 words. 
It is easy to identify points of view as the events happen during the story but its hard to understand their meaning. Imre Kertezs shown different points of view that show the reader a better perspective of what have happened during the Holocaust to clarify that this must never happen again even if it benefits or create problems in the future generations.
Firstly, the author use his own point of view in the story to express the inter-cultural problem that was happening during the second world war, the arian race trying to exterminate everyone that was against the culture or differ from them, in other words, Imre Kertezs im

3.     Fatelessness has different narrative techniques that seduce and affect our minds. Write between 150 and 200 words.

4.     The Holocaust and its atrocities have helped us understand Fatelessness much more. The context is a key factor in the creation process of a story. Write between 150 and 200 words.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Trailer of the movie: Fateless

 You can watch it here: http://pvinesr.blogspot.com/2013/11/video.html


Read pages 90 and 91

"What is the main theme explored here?"

Answer: Subordination and the lost of hope from Gyurka towards the events that have just happened (Innocense)

Find at least 3 examples (quotes) of language to justify/support your answer. In other words, find examples oflanguage that help the writer develop themes.

Quotes: "It was all very clean, tidy, and pretty." (p.90, line 11)
             "He has a full head of carefully combed, darkly glossy hair" (p.91, line 3-4)
             "I had to admit was a beautifully crafted lash." (P. 91, line 14)

Read pages 181,182,183,184,185

"What is the main theme explored here?"
Answer: Fateless

Find at least 3 examples (quotes) of language to justify/support your answer. In other words, find examples oflanguage that help the writer develop themes.

Quotes: " A more hopeless struggle"
             " An actor doing Satan on stage"
             " Everyone had sallow face and large burning eyes"

Read pages 138 and 139

"What is the main theme explored here?"
Answer: Use of language and segregation

Find at least 3 examples (quotes) of language to justify/support your answer. In other words, find examples oflanguage that help the writer develop themes.

Quotes: " I tried to speak, get myself noticed, but to no avail."
             " For example, your first deviceis stubborness:... "
             " if they see fit to give you any answer at all"

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Fatelessness Chapter 1: Reading Task

1) What characters are introduced in this chapter?
In this chapter tha main characters introduced are Gyuri (Narrator), Gyuri's father and stepmother, grandfather and grandmother,two sisters, Mr. Sûto (shop owner), Uncle Lajos, Uncle Fleischmann, Uncle Steiner, the teacher, Annemarie.

2) Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or psychologically.
-Annemarie: "She is fourteen years old, or thereabouts. She has a long neck and is already starting to round out under her yellow star" (p.13)
-Uncle Fleischmann: "Uncle Fleischmann was utterly unnoticeable beside him, being a diminutive man of immaculate appeareance, with white hair, ashen skin, owlish spectacles, and a perpetual slightly worried air on his face" (p.23)
3) What narrative technique? Provide evidence.
The technique that Imre Kertesz is the principal carácter one, and it feets perfectly to this story because he really was part of the events that happen through the story, we can see the in the first line of the text: "I didn´t go to school today.".

4) Describe the setting of this chapter.
 The setting of the story is about 1940 during WWII in Budapest, Hungary. Jews had to use a yellow star in the chest during the Holocaust to differ from non-jewish people. Gyuri's dad is about to leave to labor camps (concentration camps).

Gyuri's Mind

1) Gyuri still havn't perceived what is going on, allways focusing his mind in positive things, avoiding negative scenes, always cheering himself up.

2) Today, 13 aged children usually like to speak about sports, technology advances, video-games, and many other themes that move masses today. They see they joy in a material way, aiming to achieve and adquire more and more.

3) The way he presents the world seem to be a kid's point of view, he aims for the good aspects of the worst things he can see, really optimistic way of thinking.(Maybe that is the main reason why he survives to the Holocaust).

4) Its not reliable because at his short life and the low participation he has in the society, he just can percieve the positive or external layer of everything that he see, he still doesn't take part of the Holocaust events.

Listening activity: Imre Kertesz Interview

1) The united state's artist tried to represent with the 2000 stone blocks the vulnerability of the jewish community surrounded by the unstoppable nazi party in the concentration camp. Every stone obstructs the visión of the person that passes through them so you can feel somehow the lonelyness of the jewish people in the German camps.

2) Imre says that the country that once took him off his family, harassed him for years , now is better and comfortant (in a freedom sense) tan where he lived before the camps.

3)There is neraly no difference between the past and present of the antisemitism. In the past, they wanted to eliminate the jews and any other culture that differed from the arian. Now days, the antisemitism wants a second Holocaus.

4)They help us to comprehend and understand the deeds of the human race in controvertial scenarios, and the biggest benefit and what makes us much richer is the fact that they help us to avoid the mistakes of our ancestors.

5) The real meaning of the metaphor is that while the people read the book they create in their minds a scene of the Holocaust and with the words "it knocks from inside" he means that we are unable to avoid thinking and creating conscious of what has been done in that time even if we try to block those feelings.

Writing Assignment: Classmate Letter Analysis

Link here:  fabusleme.blogspot.com
What language (specific words) did your classmate use to appeal the audience? If there is no language appealing the audience suggest some words.

How moving is the letter? Do you think that your classmate's style is effective?

Explain to what extent the letter includes elements of context and time.

He develop the uncertainty making Gyuri's words sound really hopeless, and every word he writes sounds even more desperate for an answer than the last one. I think my classmate's letter language is really effective because it's really similar to the style that many of the war journals found have. We can see some aspects that relate his effective style with this diaries in the structure of his sentences, mostly short, precise, and consise, in company of the unstoppable feeling of sadness, in his words: "I feel dirty, I am hungry, I don't know what is going to happen to me."

In summary, with every Word you can percieve the suffer of Gyuri and the jewish community: Fatelessness.

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

WritingTask: Letter to my father, Fatelessness (Classmate)

Dear father,

       It have been 45 days since I am in the camp. I am writing to you to let you know how much I love you and how much I want to see you again. I am not sure if that would be possible given the circumstances. I can barely survive, the food I recieve is not suficient and I have to trade with another interns to get some extra food. I feel dirty, I am hungry, I don't know what is going to happen to me. They force us to work hard every day and they don't care about my recent wound in my knee. I can barely walk and I feel they are doing this just for punishing us, but I do not have an idea of why are they doing this. They treat us like animal, yesterday one of the german guards punch me on the face without any reason.
   I met another prisoner(yes, we are prisoner) who is from Budapest, and he miss home just as much as I do. He helps me a lot dealing with this and carrying on, making me think in something different than sorviving, because that is my priority right now. But with the time I am getting tired of this and I am thinking on giving up...I feel hopeless.
   What do you think father, will they kill me like they do in another camps? Will they release some day? Please answer me back and tell me you are ok.
   Yours faithfully,

Writing Task: Letter to my son, Gyuri

Dear Gyuri,
                    It took me a lot of effort to be able to send you this letter so keep it and read it carefully because it can be the last on. I've been told that you were taken off the bus and now you are in a CC just like me, well the situation here is not much better than yours. It has been just 1 month since I left Budapest and It feels like hell, no water, awful soups, undrinkable coffee, and no one to trust. This way I believed from the first second that this camps are only meant to get rid of us, jewish people. A truck passed by with loads of other guys corposes. I'm scared Gyuri. Maybe I wont be able to be back home. Maybe you could not be able to get back to Budapest. I don't know what to think with this people harrassing us every day, every night, every second of the day. The only thing I can tell you with this letter is a few tip to survive a few weeks more than the rest: never exchange food for anything in the world, always keep a piece of bread in you pockets (you will never know when they will stop feeding you), try to find between the formation rows someone you can trust in and able to help you, and finally, YOU MUST RATION EVERY FOOD AND WATER THEY GIVE YOU, AND NEVER MISS THE WASHING TIME.
                                                              I hope to see you back in Budapest,
                                                                             miss you much
                                                                                 your father.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Third culture kids

Stimulus: "Some third culture kids have nothing beyond their passports to connect them with their home country. TCKs lose and gain from the fact that they grow up outside their passport country.”


Firstly, being a TCK doesn`t carry only bad things like the lost of a main religion, way of thinking etc, indeed they gain the benefits of being open minded. Open thinking guide the TCK to the top of the world. Most of politician TCK’s take better decisions than many other common politicians to solve problems, because they are born in one country raised in another and with the mixture of both cultures they have the capacity of solving better international issues. For example if a kid is born in a conflictive country and move right away to a peaceful one, he would have a better comprehension of the acts of the conflictive country because he lived and experienced some time of his life in there, the opposite is the common kid of the peaceful country that will only see the country from his peaceful perspective.


Another thing that carries to be a TCK is that they are always asking about where they belong or why he doesn't have a main culture, these are a few questions that cause existentialism in their minds since they are young. But existentialism can be considered also as an attribute for them, because while they grow up they start comprehending better the cultures that they are part of and their own culture as a product of this mixture, creating an open mind.


Being TCK carry loneliness since they are very young. The fact that they don’t have a concrete culture makes problems along their whole life to enter any society, at the end they only are able to be friend of open minded people or even only other TCK’s.


In conclusion, to be a TCK doesn’t carry completely bad characteristic, but good ones make incredible changes in societies that they are able to join. At the end, they can only feel the benefits of being an international kid after all the suffer when they are adults and experience the power of being open minded.

martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Maycomb in the 30's

   Let’s make an inspection to Maycomb County in the 30's.
Warning: do not read this if you have a good idea of Maycomb County, otherwise, might want to leave immediately.
This old and small town is located in the southern state of Alabama. Since I’m here, I could notice the weather was really veering. From the insufferable heat of the sun in summer, to the most freezing days that I've ever had in his life in winter. But this year was special, with my investigation I could notice that the snow that I was watching in winter was a very strange phenomenon for this county. When I entered, the first thing I saw was the nature filling every corner of the streets and the separation of the white people and black people. The Great Depression hitted very hard this place, even the richest couldn't escape from it. White ones lived in old Victorian houses decorated with porches with Eave dentils and Tuscan columns, while black ones stayed near the dumps in the worst conditions with their children playing in the dirt, also felt bad for them. It seemed that the civil was still having part here. There weren't many cars, but every of them were luxurious and belonging to white people like the Buick Eight, the Packard Eight, or the Rolls-Royce Phantom II. Population was short in number, every one took care of the other but the race segregation was notorious the whole time, even in clothes. The white man wore a suit the whole year doesn't matter if it’s the American summer suit or the London cut, , with beautiful silk handkerchiefs peering out their jacket pockets, but if you were different and individualist, you'd never be in the box( I felt segregated too). 
Finally, I wouldn't recommend a journey to this town, and even more make roots in here because, even if they look as kind and nice as any other person of a lost town, at the end you will notice that everyone is rude, reserved and suspicious.
